Geo-Information Engineering
Faculty of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Israel Institute of Technology

Landscape Changes in the Mediterranean zones

Man-Landscape Relationships in Mediterranean Areas: A Study of Landscape Changes in Mount Carmel. Recent Dynamics of the Mediterranean Vegetation and Landscape. Shoshany et al., 2004. Book Edited By: Mazzoleni, S., di Pasquale, G.; Mulligan, M.; di Martino P. , and Rego, F., 2004

Over the last 50 years, Mediterranean landscapes in Israel have undergone major changes mainly because of population growth and economic and social Changes. The existance of Natural, agricultural and historical landscapes is severely endangered because of these processes. This study assesses the situation using air-photographs of Mount Carmel between the 1940s and the 1990s. Landscape changes are characterized by growing invasion of the built-u areas into agricultural lands, abandoment of Agricultural lands and increase in the size of dense woodlands in the Nature reserve areas.

Changes in agricultural land versus changes in the built-up areas
Changes in size of the densely covered vegetation landscape units